Philadelphia's Magic Gardens


It's pretty amazing how just one perfect day can make up for the 7 bad days behind ya. Life's been pretty hectic lately and it seems as though I've been having more bad days than good. Just when you're getting back on the right path, life's like BAM, SIKE! But with faith and some patience, one day can turn your week(s) around and flip that frown upside down. On Sunday, Kyle and I spent the day in Philly and everything seemed to be going our way - sites, food, weather, sweet company. We went to Philladelphia's Magic Gardens and boy was it pretty! It was totally worth admissions and I highly recommend taking the tour. And with the beautiful site, of course I had I couldn't help but to snap a few pictures and record some videos (will be up soon) hehe! After touring Magic Gardens, we had some La Colombe coffee, ate at this lovely restaurant, and had some delicious ice cream from Big Gay. It was SO hard not to just grab our favorite cheesesteaks, but we decided to try something new and I'm so glad we did because Tria exceeded out expectations. After Philly, we went home, played some basketball with my family, watched the NBA Finals, and ate some tacos. A pretty perfect day if you ask me.

Food/drink recommendations from the day:
La Colombe: Iced Latte
Tria: Truffled Eggs, Turkey-Bacon-Cheddar Sandwich, Claudio Mozzarella Sandwhich, CHEESE.
Big Gay Ice Cream: Salty Pimp (vanilla ice cream, dulce de leche, sea salt, chocolate dip)


Josh Turns Twelve!!


The only thought I have on this Thursday is that my little brother turns TWELVE!! Man, I am so very grateful for a brother like Josh. You'd think that a 10 year age difference would affect the relationship between us, but in all honesty, we couldn't be closer. I played a big role in helping raise him throughout the years, being almost like a second mother, and it resulted in such a close relationship. It also helps that he still has that carefree spirit because he can surely lift me up when I'm down or give me the best advice. I can count on my hands the amount of times we actually fought with each other throughout these 12 years... and that's pretty darn impressive. If you knew me in college, you knew that being away from my family, and especially my little brother was so hard for me. Although I ended up loving Rutgers by the time I graduated, I was still a homebody. I honestly felt like I've missed SO much throughout each school year - all the swim meets, award ceremonies, banquets, concerts... pretty much 4 years of all the little things I wish I witnessed. But coming home after college and spending this past year with Josh and my family has been the best decision I've ever made. Josh is one of the most thoughtful, sweet, and honest 12 year olds out there and I'm so proud to see what a grown, smart, handsome [pre]teen he's becoming. It's crazy to think that he'll be in high school in just two short years. I'm so thankful for a brother I not only can call family, but my very best friend.

Let's take a look back at the wonder years. 


Happy 12th Birthday, Josh! 


Twenty One Pilots: Blurryface

Album Cover

Album Cover

Hi! Okay so I am also a huge fan of music. My dad use to have tons of CDs (back when they were cool) of all his favorite bands, and we had a whole wall of them in our living room. On Sundays, we'd go through CD after CD, while relaxing at home after church. Silence is rare at my home because let's be real... filipinos are loud. Just kidding (maybe).. but I do live with 5 other people and it is never a quiet moment (in a good way). On days when we're all caught relaxing together or cooking together, my dad almost always has some music on in the background. If he doesn't have music playing, he'll be on our piano learning a new piece. I guess it grew on me because I'm always listening to music and now my whole family has a friendly brawl on who's playlist gets to go on the speakers each time. 

Anyways, twenty one pilots slowly became one of my favorite bands to listen to after I saw them live at Firefly Music Festival last year. They weren't even the main act but they seriously stole the show when they were on stage. After that show, I immediately bought their Vessel CD and have been a huge fan ever since. AND I know that've mentioned this a billion times already, but I'm watching them in concert again in September, at one of my favorite concert venues.. and I can't hardly wait!! A little over a week ago, they released a brand new album, Blurryface, and it's been playing non-stop on my iTunes. So much so that my little brother and mom started to hum some tunes the other day. SCORE! Anyone else huge fans?! These are probably my top favorites, but honestly the whole album is sick.

The songs on the radio are okay, but...

twenty one pilots
Stressed Out
0:00 / 0:00
twenty one pilots
Tear In My Heart
0:00 / 0:00
twenty one pilots
0:00 / 0:00
twenty one pilots
Fairly Local
0:00 / 0:00
twenty one pilots
The Judge
0:00 / 0:00
twenty one pilots
Message Man
0:00 / 0:00

You can listen to the whole album on Spotify too! ;)